Pécs Healthcare Innovation Center Ltd. (PEIK) Organized a cluster development education series entitled “New Generation” in order to strengthen the Biotechnology Innovation Base cluster and renew its international market opportunities within the framework of the tender entitled Supporting the provision of quality services by professional cluster organizations (GINOP-1.3.2-15-2018-00036). The first event in the educational series took place on November 29, 2019.

At the beginning of the event, Dr. Zoltán Szemerey, CEO of PEIK, greeted the membership and described the changes in the management organization in some thoughts. Dr. Péter Németh and Dr. György Szekeres, the founders of the cluster, gave the new members an overview of the phases of the formation of the cluster, the period after its establishment, and the achieved results. The training and professional program were led by developers Csaba Titkos and Norbert Nagy.

The theme of the education was based on the cooperation of self-organizing networks and enterprises, as well as on the interpretation and development of strategies and “good solutions”, which we went through with the help of trainers and the workshop methodology. Thus, with the involvement of the participants, we took steps to redefine the operation of the organization, to interpret the goals to be achieved through three important concepts characterizing the basic operation and quality of clusters: “cooperating”, “network” “self-organizing”. As a result, we have defined four target areas, priorities: “joint achievement of common or different goals”, “comparative advantages (who is good at what)”, “self-organization along common and individual interests” and “availability”. Next time, continuing the work, we want to focus on these areas.

During the professional program, it was also possible to visit the factory of the Pécs Brewery. With the help of a professional escort, we were able to gain insight into the processes of the brewery’s operation and gain insight into the secrets of brewing. The afternoon phase of the education ended with a beer tasting and informal conversation.
Keep up with us and the rest of the cluster next time!

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